Maths Day 2017
This week the whole school has enjoyed some amazing maths activities.
There were lots of opportunities to practise our mathematical skills, including making patterns for Elmar the Elephant, homework challenges to make the tallest hat and using their measuring skills in the Forest School area to make sure they had built homes big enough for a mouse or a hedgehog. We looked at the colours and patterns on Elmer the elephant and all worked in teams to design our own Elmer. The Bears were the winning team.
Students had sporting challenges against the clock and even studied maths through dance and music and enjoyed a huge game of snakes and ladders. There were lots of activities where students explored size and capacity and shape using the biggest pile of cardboard boxes and bears! Post 16 enjoyed a casino and the Crystal Maze.
Nobody here could ever say that maths isn't fun!
Post 16 had an aMAZEing day with WHEELY good games. We thoroughly enjoyed our crystal maze themed Maths day. We had 3 zones to complete, which included problem solving, measuring, time and many other mathematical challenges as well as an all important Las Vegas theme Casino with the WHEEL of fortune. For each challenge successfully completed our team won a crystal and each crystal gave us 5 seconds in the crystal dome. Once inside the dome we had to collect as many gold tokens as we could whilst trying to avoid the silver and fighting against the wind. Although the red team were the winners we all tried our best and demonstrated excellent team work whilst having lots of fun!