P16 Functional Skills
Functional skills are a key to success. They open doors to learning, to life and contribute to preparing students for life after education including independent living and work. They are practical skills in English, mathematics and ICT that enable learners to deal with practical problems and challenges. They allow individuals to work confidently, effectively and independently at a level which is appropriate for their individual needs and therefore prepare our students for everyday life.
Functional Communication provides opportunities for students in:
Interacting with Others --- Applying Literacy in Everyday Life --- Giving and Receiving Information
Functional Numeracy provides opportunities for students in:
Personal Finance --- Time Management --- Measurement --- Applying Number in Everyday Life
Functional PSD provides opportunities for students in:
Domestic Life Skills --- Community Life Skills
Functional ICT provides opportunities for students in:
Using Technology to Gather and Share Information --- Applying ICT in Everyday Life
Functional skills are an essential part of Post 16 curriculum and are accredited through Edexcel Entry Level Functional skills, AQA and ASDAN Towards Independence Units. This gives young people and adults recognition of their achievements through accessible and flexible qualifications, whilst developing practical skills in English, ICT and Maths including communication, team working, presentation and problem solving.
Assessment will be carried out using the pre-entry level and entry level points system. Some students will complete Edexcel Entry Level Functional skills tests. In many instances students will show further ‘linear’ progress but they will continuously build on skills already achieved. The main emphasis for students in this phase of their educational development will be to use and adapt their existing skills in a broader variety of meaningful real life contexts.
Please see the document at the foot of the page for further details.