Post 16 Curriculum
In Post 16 the curriculum changes to reflect the change in emphasis in preparing our young people for life beyond school. We want them to be confident, independent and responsible individuals who feel equipped to make informed choices about their futures. We consolidate students’ prior study and aim to broaden and develop previous skills.
The timetable includes Functional Skills sessions where students continue to develop their literacy and numeracy skills with an emphasis placed on utilising these skills in very practical ‘real life’ situations. Students are encouraged to plan and organise their weekly trips into the local community and to develop skills such as cooking basic meals and using public transport.
Students requiring a more sensory approach benefit from accessing a curriculum tailored to individual needs.
All students continue to benefit from access to a wide range of creative opportunities.
Students’ achievement is accredited through the ASDAN Towards Independence Programme and Personal Progress Entry Level qualification, also with AQA Unit Awards.