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Priory Woods School & Arts College

Priory Woods School & Arts College A Special Place to Learn

Pink Class

Pink Class 2024

Our Reception children started with us in September and have settled into life at Priory Woods extremely well. They all look so gorgeous and grown up in their school uniforms. Pink Class have spent the first half-term in school getting to know the staff who are working with them, working alongside their new peers in EYFS and making friends. They have been exploring their new classroom and discovering different play environments, both inside and outside. We have focused this term on transitioning to different learning environments within school to engage in new and exciting opportunities such as hydrotherapy, soft play, rebound therapy, sensory integration, music, dance and drama.  As the children have begun to get to know their new school family and settle into school we now look forward to starting the seasonal festivities and preparing for their first Christmas Show!